Noblesville mom helps raise awareness & money for Lupus research
Four years ago, Amber Destefano was diagnosed with lupus. Her mother, Amy Bianchi, who lives in Noblesville, started working to raise awareness in Hamilton County and research money for the Indiana chapter of the Lupus Foundation of America.

Amber Destefano
According to Bianchi, until the first motorcycle ride they held last year, their only option had been to travel to Indianapolis to participate in fundraisers. Next month, on Saturday, Sept. 17, “Let’s Ride for Lupus” will be an all-day event at the Sheridan American Legion, 406 E. 10th St.
This year’s ride is being hosted by Midwest Maniacs MC.
“Last year when my daughter, Amber, was struggling with lupus, I wanted to bring awareness to Hamilton County about lupus, and I wanted to raise money for research,” Bianchi said. “Last year we raised $6,000 in three months.”
According to Bianchi, this motorcycle club reached out to her and asked how they could help.
“They heard about the ride we did last year, and Josh Eberhard reached out to us a couple times and was really interested in being a part of something so good,” Bianchi said.
All the money raised next month will go the Lupus Foundation of America, Indiana Chapter for research.
“We are selling raffle tickets for $10 each for four tattoos that will be given away, we have a $1,000 La-Z-Boy recliner that we are selling raffles for, and a hot air balloon ride for two people from Circle City Balloon Team,” Bianchi said. “You do not have to be there to win any of these raffles.”
You can buy tickets by calling Bianchi at (317) 697-2048 or by sending a message through their event page on Facebook.
“In the morning, we will serve Titus donuts and coffee,” Bianchi said. “For dinner, Rackz BBQ has donated 30 pounds of pulled pork, Firehouse Subs is donating meat platter trays, as well as tea and lemonade. My friends and I will make green beans, coleslaw and other sides.”
Kick stands will go up at 11 a.m. on Sept. 17. The cost will be $20 for a single rider or $25 for a bike with a passenger. Participants who are not riding will be able to walk the Monon Trail near the Sheridan American Legion starting at 2 p.m. to show their support.
“Bringing awareness to Hamilton County is the big goal here,” Bianchi said.