Legacy Fund supports Chaucie’s Place

The Legacy Fund, an affiliate of Central Indiana Community Foundation, is supporting Chaucie’s Place with a 2018 programming grant in the amount of $20,000 to support youth and teen suicide prevention programming.

“Chaucie’s Place is grateful for the continued support of The Legacy Fund to further our mission of ending child sexual abuse and youth suicide in Hamilton County,” said Melissa Peregrin, Executive Director of Chaucie’s Place. “We are committed to making the world a safer and better place for Hoosier children. Our work is made possible through the generosity of community partners like The Legacy Fund.”

Chaucie’s Place is a nonprofit child advocacy organization that works to prevent child sexual abuse and youth suicide with prevention programs for children, adults and school systems. Chaucie’s Place offers four prevention programs: Smart Steps: A Body Safety Program for Children™, a child sexual abuse prevention program for children and schools; Stewards of Children®, a national child sexual abuse prevention program for parents and adults who work with children; QPR®, a national suicide prevention program for adults, and Lifelines® Youth Suicide Prevention Program.

Legacy Fund awarded grants to eight other not-for-profits in Hamilton County in March of 2018. They awarded a total of $123,000 in March of 2018 to exceptional nonprofits in Hamilton County.

For more information on Chaucie’s Place, please visit chauciesplace.org and ‘like’ them at facebook.com/ChauciesPlace.

About Legacy Fund

Legacy Fund is an affiliate of Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF). Legacy Fund is the community foundation of Hamilton County, established in 1991. Legacy Fund strives to improve the quality of living in Hamilton County by supporting non-for-profits throughout the community.

Legacy Fund and CICF aim to make Indiana a better place to live by strengthening Central Indiana communities. Legacy Fund has provided grants to many non-for-profits in Hamilton County, including Habitat for Humanity of Hamilton County, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana, Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry, and many more.

For more information, please visit legacyfund.org.

About Central Indiana Community Foundation

Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) is a $700 million public foundation transforming the lives of central Indiana residents in three ways: Consulting donors, family foundations and their professional advisors on charitable giving; awarding grants to effective not-for-profit organizations; and providing leadership to seize opportunities and address community needs. CICF was established in 1997 as a partnership between the Indianapolis Foundation, serving Marion County since 1916, and Legacy Fund, serving Hamilton County since 1991. For more information about CICF, visit cicf.org.