Back to school
The project team has been in communication with Noblesville Schools transportation services so bus drivers are aware of any impacts to their regular routes and schedules due to the project.
Please plan for extra time for travel near the project site. Whether you are near the project or not, please be safe near bus stops as children will soon be waiting for their ride to school.
Eighth Street roundabouts
Construction of the two new roundabouts along Eighth Street continues as crews have now completed the storm sewer work along Eighth Street and the area is being prepared for paving. City officials say the new roundabouts and trails will enhance traffic flow and create a safe corridor for all forms of transportation to get to downtown Noblesville.
The debris walls and retaining walls near the new bridge over the White River are being installed, and four of the six bridge piers are partially complete.
Safety alert
The Reimagine Pleasant Street job site is off limits to the public both during and after working hours.
Since this is an active construction site that is rapidly changing, there is a risk of injury due to the construction tools and heavy equipment on the site. The risk for injury remains even if crews are not actively working as unauthorized guests may trip, fall, or injure themselves on construction equipment.

Photo provided by City of Noblesville
Street name change
As of July 1, Pleasant Street west of Eighth Street has been renamed to “Historic Pleasant Street.”
Keep informed
The City of Noblesville continues to post updates, details, and interesting aspects about the Reimagine Pleasant Street project on social media. Please follow the project on Twitter and Facebook.