Lacrosse: Miller boys win big over Bishop Chatard, Westfield girls fall

(ABOVE LEFT) Noblesville’s Charlie Boe scored three goals for the Millers boys lacrosse team during its Friday win at Bishop Chatard. (ABOVE RIGHT) Westfield’s Ally Weirick is one of the leading goal scorers for the Shamrocks girls lacrosse team this season. (Julie Brown)


The Noblesville boys lacrosse team scored a road win at Bishop Chatard Friday, 19-2.

Zach McMichael scored five goals for the Millers, with Gage Bass adding four goals. Charlie Boe and Harrison Barnett both had three goals, while Logan White and Hayden McCaslin both put in two goals.

McCaslin dished out five assists, followed by two each for Barnett and McMichael, and one each for Bass, Boe, White and Keegan Bloss. Noblesville collected 38 ground balls as a team; Bass and McMichael both picked up four ground balls with Shep Coyne getting four.

Thomas McAvoy made 11 goalkeeper saves, while Zeke Einterz had two saves.

The Millers are 11-4 and finish the regular season Wednesday at Cathedral.


Westfield’s girls team also played at Bishop Chatard on Friday, falling to the Trojans 15-10.

Stats from the girls game were not available at press time. This was the regular-season finale for the Shamrocks, who are 10-8 for the year.