Noblesville sees first District Governor since 1970s
Noblesville Lions Julia & Jeff Kozicki recently attended the 105th Lions Club International Convention in Boston, Mass. The convention was held from July 6 to 11.

Lion Julia Kozicki receives her training completion certificate from Past District Governor Chief Bassey Edem of Nigeria. (Photo provided)
While there, Julia completed her fourth day of District Governor Elect training and was given her diploma by the class trainer, Past District Governor Chief Bassey Edem of Nigeria.
Julia and Jeff marched in the Lions International Parade with the Indiana delegation as Jeff carried the Lions flag, and the other district governors and Julia carried the banner.
The convention included comments from keynote speakers and incoming international officers during the three plenary sessions. Attending were more than 11,000 delegates, and on Tuesday Julia was officially sworn in as 25-D District Governor.
The Wednesday following her induction as Governor, Julia was off to a Muncie Lions Club event. The next day, Thursday, July 13, she hosted her first 25-D Governor’s meeting at the Carmel Lions Club.
The Noblesville Lions Club is proud of Julia Kozicki and her leadership, as she is the first District Governor from Noblesville since Roy Kirk in the 1970s.

Lion Julia Kozicki (front, second from left) with other District Governors at the convention. (Photo provided)

Lion Julia Kozicki leads her first district meeting as Governor. Quite a few Noblesville Lions attended. (Photo provided)