Grab your pole, bait and fishing license (or your oars or just a pair of binoculars) and head to the newest recreational aquatic amenity to open in Hamilton County – Koteewi Lake. The lake is located in the county’s largest park, Strawtown Koteewi Park, operated by Hamilton County Parks and Recreation.
Before the lake’s official opening to the community, county officials, park board members and staff, DNR representatives and individuals that played critical roles in its construction, gathered with invited guests for a “cast call” at the lake’s boat ramp.

Hamilton County Parks Director Chris Stice spoke at the opening of the new Koteewi Lake. (Photo provided)
In lieu of a traditional ribbon-cutting ceremony, recognized guests, collectively cast their lines into the placid waters of the 19-acre recreational lake, following remarks provided by Hamilton County Parks Director Chris Stice. Earlier in the program, Stice presented handcrafted and mounted commemorative oars, etched with the ceremonial details to all those present who had participated in the planning and creation of the lake.
Community members are now able to enjoy, at no charge, the lake, its boat ramp, adjacent dock, nearby shelter and scenic vistas. The park’s other public offerings include The Taylor Center of Natural History, Koteewi Trace and the Adventure Area, comprised of an archery range, horse rental stable, and ropes challenge/zip line experience. During the winter months, guests are invited to enjoy the park’s tubing hill that was constructed using dirt removed during the lake’s excavation – a service provided at no cost by family-owned Beaver Materials.
Koteewi Lake’s waters are meant to be enjoyed not only by anglers, but by naturalists, wildlife enthusiasts, canoeists and kayakers (providing their own crafts). Any other watercraft must be powered by nothing more than an electric trolling motor. Due to the lake’s dramatic drop-offs, swimming will not be permitted. The parks department strongly urges catch and release fishing practices be followed. The DNR will work with the parks department in policing the lake.
Strawtown Koteewi Park is located at 12302 Strawtown Ave., Noblesville. The access road leading to Koteewi Lake is across Strawtown Avenue, and just west of the Taylor Center.
For more operational details pertaining to Koteewi Lake, visit Hamilton County Park’s Facebook page or or call (317) 770-4400.