Kirk Green says HSE school board violated state statute

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Editor’s note: The following letter was sent on Thursday, Aug. 19 by Fishers resident Kirk Green to the Hamilton Southeastern school board and Superintendent Dr. Yvonne Stokes, and others.

To: HSE Board, Dr. Stokes

Request to be added to 8/25/2021 board meeting agenda

RE: HSE district policy I05.00 (Access to Materials Relating to Personal Analysis, Evaluation, or Survey of Students; Consent for Participation)

Was there ever a form that was sent out to all the parents seeking authorization to participate the SEL Panorama survey this district forced participation over the past two years?

No, unfortunately the district did NOT send out form I05.2.1 which is required by Indiana state law (I.C.20-10.1-4-15) when a student is “participating in a survey, a personal analysis, or an evaluation which is not directly related to academic instruction.” The district has violated Indiana state law and district policy. The Panorama survey easily meets 2 of the 8 applicable situations on in which the form is mandated. Specifically, #3 Mental or psychological conditions #4 Sexual behavior and attitudes.

It would be prudent cease and desist from all future illegal activities until this this is reviewed internally and externally. Furthermore, in the state of Indiana, 20-10.1-4-15 all parents shall have the right to see ALL Instruction including but not limited to DEI, CRT, SEL, BLM, anti-racism training, books, manual, sex ed material, and including ALL websites utilized by ALL teachers.

This is obviously a very serious legal violation in which the superintendent and board must address immediately. These irresponsible actions have subjected our school district to the vulnerability of various lawsuits from these infractions. All illegally obtained data collected will most likely need to be destroyed, and all parents notified as to who else this illegally obtained information was shared with.

Parents have the legal authority to inspect ALL teaching materials before they are utilized in the class. ALL parents have the legal right to review the surveys taken with answers, and parents need to review any future surveys in advance of any student’s participation and only with prior parental consent.

Deeply concerned Fishers resident,

Kirk Green