Kirk Green: HSE school board rule unfair regarding public’s right to raise concern

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Editor’s note: The following are remarks sent by Kirk Green to members of the Hamilton Southeastern school board, Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness, State Rep. Todd Huston (R-Fishers), and others, including The Reporter.

Remarks for meeting 8/11/2021

I wish to address the board regarding public Participation at Board Meetings Code B05.07.

Due to many circumstances in an ever-changing world and environment, information and communication is crucial.

It is important, as stated by our superintendent, transparency and communication are important.

The Fishers community is dissatisfied with many things taking place within our school system, especially from the Chief Diversity Officer.

The family’s concerns are not being addressed, and deserve to have communication, a voice, and to have answers.

In order to be able to address time critical items, the policy in which you are censoring the public by requiring at least a week’s notice AND only with the president’s approval falls outside the normal and fair boundaries in which government and even other school districts operate.

Many policies and provisions are being updated for good reason. This policy should be revisited and the constituents want it updated.

Please strike “about a scheduled public agenda item” from:

  1. A person who desires to speak to the Board, about a scheduled public agenda item, must register before the start of the meeting. A registration sheet will be available at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Registration will close five (5) minutes before the scheduled start of the meeting. Required registration information will include the name of the person(s) providing the comments, the organization represented (if any), and the agenda item to be addressed.

Thank you.

Kirk Green
