Hamilton County Surveyor Kenton Ward was elected third vice president of the Association of Indiana Counties (AIC) Board of Directors. He began his term on Nov. 1. Board elections were held during the AIC’s Annual Conference recently in Marion County.

“It’s an honor to have been chosen to serve as AIC Third Vice President,” said Ward. “I have served in several capacities for the association over the years, and I now look forward to continuing the work with other officers who make up the AIC Executive Committee.”
The AIC Board of Directors sets policies and legislative goals for the Association. The AIC’s Board of Directors met with AIC Legislative Committee members during the AIC’s Annual Conference this fall and adopted its 2019 legislative platform.
Ward has served as the Hamilton County Surveyor more than 40 years. He is the past president of the County Surveyors Association of Indiana and the National Association of County Surveyors. He served as a longtime member of the AIC legislative committee and on the AIC Board of Directors as both vice president and president of the AIC’s East Central District and until recently served as Treasurer to the Board. He is active in many national, state and local organizations. He resides in Noblesville with his wife Robin.
About the AIC
The Association of Indiana Counties, Inc. is a non-profit organization that was established in 1957 for the betterment of county government. The various functions of the AIC include lobbying the Indiana General Assembly on behalf of counties, serving as liaison among counties, state and federal agencies as well as providing technical assistance and training to county officials and employees.