Hamilton County Surveyor Kenton C. Ward has been appointed as Vice Chair of two separate committees for the National Association of Counties (NACo). Ward was appointed to serve as Vice Chair of the Water Subcommittee and the GIS Subcommittee. The appointment was made by NACo President Mary Ann Borgeson, Commissioner, Douglas County, Neb.
The Water Subcommittee reviews national policy issues for both ground and surface water which affects the nations counties. The GIS Subcommittee reviews programs and systems to provide NACo and members of the Association with technical assistance on issues associated with GIS, GPS, remote sensing and other related technologies.
Ward also serves on five other NACo committees. Those are the Information Technology Standing Committee, the Environment, Energy & Land Use Steering Committee, the Essential County Technology Subcommittee, Rural Action Caucus Steering Committee and the Resilient Counties Advisory Board. Ward also serves on the NACo Board of Directors.