Dear Editor:
It has been a pleasure serve all the residents of Noblesville Township over the past three years as your Trustee. I am announcing my intention to run again for the office of Trustee in the 2018 election.
We have accomplished a great deal during my first term and I will continue to serve the township to the best of my ability if elected for a second term.
With the help of the Noblesville Township Board I have lowered your general property taxes during my time in office and plan to do so again in 2018. I cannot promise further tax cuts, but pledge to keep rates as low as possible for our residents.
In addition to a lower township tax rate we have expanded services to the community in many ways.
My belief is that our office should relevant to the community as a whole. When the budget allows, we provide community service grants to partner charitable and cultural organizations.
We have increased financial assistance to our residents who are in serious need of a hand up and have done the best we can to help the homeless in our county without a bona fide shelter in operation.
We strive to work closely with the City of Noblesville, the Noblesville Police and Fire Departments and with the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department.
Our friendly staff always responds politely to the many questions we receive from our citizens daily and, if we are unable to assist you through our office, we will always direct you to the proper government agency.
I inherited a solid Trustee Office from my predecessor and I believe that I have made it even better. I am thankful for that, my board, and all of our outstanding employees.
If re-elected I promise to put forth the same effort I did during my first term.
I look forward to serving our community for another term.
Tom Kenley
Noblesville Township Trustee