Kelly Mitchell recognizes, thanks real heroes of COVID-19 pandemic


Candidate for Congress

In crisis, our nation has been tested. As Americans always do, we have risen to meet the challenge.

As an elected official and candidate, it would be easy for me to join in the chorus of finger-pointing and blame. It would be easy to play on fear for political gain. But in times of crisis, true leaders put partisanship and politics on the back burner. Instead, I will focus on who we are and what we are capable of as a nation and as Hoosiers.

Today, we recognize the heroes who have emerged. They’re not TV stars or Instagram influencers. They are our neighbors. They are our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, moms and dads.

We owe them our heartfelt thanks.

Thank you to the medical professionals, hospital employees, and first responders who risk their lives to care for and protect us, putting themselves at risk to keep us safe. Many have fallen ill. Some have died. And yet they continue their life-saving work.

Thank you to the farmers and ranchers, the food processors, the truckers, the stock-room workers and grocery clerks. Their tireless efforts keep critically important supply chains moving for all.

Thank you to the manufacturers – and their employees – transforming their factories to meet the need for ventilators, face masks, and protective equipment. American industry has proven once again that it is unrivaled in the world and capable of boundless innovation.

We have developed a better appreciation for the everyday work of those around us.

Families thrust into homeschooling have a better appreciation for public school teachers – and for families for whom homeschooling is what happens every day.

We appreciate the risks taken by small business owners and entrepreneurs. We are seeing firsthand how much of their time, effort, and capital they have put into their businesses. We recognize how tight their margins can be, and how they live every day on a razor’s edge to provide for their family and community.

We appreciate the leadership of the state, local, and national leaders who have made the tough calls. I’m reminded that when Harry Truman adopted the slogan, “The Buck Stops Here.” It wasn’t because he assumed he would always be right or wouldn’t be second-guessed. It was because he was willing to make the tough calls and accept responsibility.

Every American, every Hoosier, has sacrificed.

Families have foregone visits to see grandparents. The faithful have missed out on the fellowship of Sunday services. Students have missed proms, graduations, and a final opportunity to compete in sports, act on stage, or simply be with their friends.

Weddings have been postponed. Newborns have been introduced to their extended families online instead of by being held by adoring loved ones. Funerals have been replaced by future memorial ceremonies.

These are indeed trying times for our nation. We face threats to our health, our economy and our livelihoods. Yet, we have risen to the challenge and will meet the future with hope and optimism.

Kelly Mitchell is a Republican candidate for Congress for Indiana’s 5th District. She currently serves as Indiana State Treasurer.