Judge Steve Nation has filed to run for Hamilton County Council At-Large. Nation has dedicated his life to protecting and serving his community for the last 41 years. He served as Prosecuting Attorney of Hamilton County for four terms and as Hamilton County Judge for four terms.

“It’s always been my duty to do two things – protect people and help people reach their highest potential. I’ll continue to do this by serving as a Hamilton County councilor,” said Nation.
Nation’s legacy and impact goes beyond the courtroom and extends far into the community. The conception of Hamilton County’s Youth Assistance Programs started with Nation. Today, he still plays an integral role in the six local Youth Assistance Boards in Hamilton County.
Other special initiatives include working with the Department of Education to implement HB 1419 (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support); being a member of the Pre-Trial Release Committee and Mental Health Subcommittee; serving as Special Judge in several counties of the State of Indiana; helping establish Victim Assistance in Hamilton County for victims of elderly, domestic, and child abuse, and other violent crimes; and collaborating with Township Trustees to establish a procedure for Emergency Housing for Hamilton County.
Nation and his family settled in Noblesville 40 years ago, and he continues to make his mark on the county. In 2017, Nation was awarded “Person of the Year” from the International Association of Truancy and Dropout Prevention, and in 2018, was granted the prestigious Sagamore of the Wabash Award presented by Governor Eric Holcomb.
Nation lives in Noblesville with his wife of 36 years. He has a daughter, son-in-law, step son and grandson. Nation currently serves as Board President for Indiana Fallen Heroes Foundation. Along with administrative responsibilities of the Prosecutor’s Office, Nation personally tried 57 jury trials and attained 57 convictions.