An official recount will be underway shortly for a seat on the Hamilton Southeastern School Board. In the race for Delaware Township’s seat, incumbent Amanda Shera finished 20 votes behind Sarah Donsbach in the final vote tally. Shera asked for the recount.


Superior Court Judge Jon Brown today was asked to appoint a three-member recount commission. Donsbach received 14,750 votes to Shera’s 14,730 in totals compiled by the county clerk’s office.
There are 71 precincts in the Southeastern school district. Absentee votes will be the main focus of the recount, which must be completed by Dec. 20. Voting machine totals will be easily totaled, but several thousand absentees will have to be reviewed individually.
Southeastern has a seven-member school board with Delaware, Fall Creek and Wayne townships each having two members, but the entire district votes on these members. A seventh member is elected at-large.