Jowitt says Nation’s character defines his service to the county

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Dear Editor:

I am writing to express my absolute support for Steve Nation’s campaign for Hamilton County Council and to briefly explain why Steve’s candidacy is so important.

Having been in law enforcement in Hamilton County for 37 years, I have seen Steve’s effectiveness in public service, first as prosecuting attorney and then as a superior court judge. He not only cares about justice, he is deeply compassionate about people and service to his community. Steve has been an integral part of the formation of Hamilton County’s victim assistance program; helped found Westfield Youth Assistance, then grew it to encompass all of Hamilton County and beyond; has served as a Special Judge in several counties; and, as prosecuting attorney, personally tried 57 jury trials, attaining convictions in all of them.

Steve’s character, knowledge, wisdom, sense of fairness and desire to make Hamilton County a better place has defined his service. He knows our county like few others do – not just its past and present, but its people and its continuing potential. He is acutely aware of ongoing needs in our communities and is completely committed to addressing mental health issues and continuing his support for public safety.

When he received Hamilton County’s highest honor, the Continental Award, in 2019 Steve said, “You do things not thinking of anything you might get, you just do it because the people needed it.”

That’s how Steve has always approached his public service, and it’s precisely why I’m voting for him on June 2. I urge you to do the same.

Kevin Jowitt
