Joe Forgey is an “absolute champion” of Noblesville

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Dear Editor:

School board elections, like most elections, can be positive and energizing as candidates discuss new ideas and visions of improvement for the school community, but these elections can also stir up negative opinions as well. Accusations aren’t always presented at face value and unless you experienced the situation first-hand, it is very difficult to make a valid conclusion about someone.

My purpose in writing this is not to comment on any specific details or controversies but to offer a simple, yet important perspective of candidate Dr. Joe Forgey from someone who has personally known him and his family for most of my life.

Many Noblesville residents know Dr. Joe because he has lived and served in the community for 45 years. But if you have not had the pleasure of meeting him, know that he is an absolute champion of Noblesville. He sincerely loves Noblesville and truly has no agenda other than the best interest of our community at the forefront of his mind.

He is a supporter of teachers, he is a supporter of all students, and he is one of the most energetic supporters of Noblesville that I have ever known. He is the kind of person you want serving the schools in our community.

Molly Applegate