Jim DeCamp also supports Rick Sharp for County Council

Dear Editor:

Photo provided

I announce my support for Rick Sharp for Hamilton County Council, District 4. Rick’s conservative fiscal convictions and his vision of small government, as laid out in the Constitution, are what attracted me to his candidacy. But there’s more.

We have not and do not hold the same views on some cultural subjects, and I want to address this. Rick and I have had extended conversation, and here’s where we have come to a mutual understanding:

  1. Small government and fiscal responsibility are critical for our county to remain on sound footing.
  2. The Hamilton County Council deals primarily with nuts-and-bolts funding issues, and does not make public policy as does the Carmel City Council, where Rick previously served.
  3. We cannot envision the subject of marriage or religious freedom coming before the County Council.
  4. In the remote event that the subject of induced abortion would come before the County Council, we agree that public funds should not go to either side of this controversial issue.
  5. Although unlikely to come before the County Council, we agree that parents have the right to determine what sex education content their children receive, including the right to “opt-in” their children for such instruction (similar to how parents “opt-in” before their children may participate in a school field trip).

I look forward to campaigning for Rick, and invite your support of his candidacy, as well!

Jim DeCamp
