Jill Landers named Husky Hero for December

HHMS Assistant Principal Jill Landers was selected as the Husky Hero for the month of December. (From left) Melissa Martin (HHEF President/HHSC Integration Coach), Jill Landers, Amber Bowen, baby Laken Bowen, Craig Bowen (FC Tucker), and HHMS Principal Bret Bailey. (Photo provided)

Hamilton Heights Middle School (HHMS) Assistant Principal Jill Landers has been named the Husky Hero for the month of December.

Landers, who is in her fourth year at HHMS, spent her first three years as a math teacher prior to transitioning to the role of assistant principal at the start of the 2023-24 school year. She is known for providing timely and consistent support, especially in challenging situations.

“Mrs. Landers has brought a high level of effectiveness and professionalism, along with fresh insights to our leadership team as we all continually work together to develop ways to improve how we serve our students and staff,” HHMS Principal Bret Bailey said.

“Mrs. Landers was very patient and understanding with our child, who was having some problems,” Shawn O’Bryhim said. “She was willing to listen at all times, was reasonable, and was ready to change her mind when presented with facts and a different point of view. Because of this, things have improved, and our child is back on the right track.”

“I am humbled by this honor because I know the people who surround me at HHMS every day and see how they go above and beyond,” Landers said. “To be nominated and selected among my colleagues serves as the highest compliment.”

“When I work with students, it’s really important to me that they know they will be heard,” continued Landers on one of the motivating factors of her work. “I start out most of my conversations with, ‘What happened from your perspective?’ and end with, ‘Is there anything else you want to ask or that you think I should know?’ I do this because I genuinely value hearing from students and understanding what they’re dealing with.

“My main goal for students is to learn from their mistakes and grow to be better. This doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences, but the conversations in my office are focused on being constructive as much as possible. I spend a lot of time with students trying to get them to understand their actions, what possibly led to them, and how to make better choices moving forward; it’s an investment of time that is absolutely worth it to me. When we make a thousand smaller decisions better, it changes the culture of our school, our community, and beyond.”

Do you know a Husky Hero? Nomination forms and information about this special recognition program for Hamilton Heights employees are available at bit.ly/hhschuskyhero. The Husky Hero Recognition program is made possible through the Hamilton Heights Educational Foundation in partnership with Craig and Amber Bowen (FC Tucker). #hhedfoundation