Jeremy Hawk: Democrats exist in Hamilton County

Dear Editor:

My name is Jeremy Hawk and I am running for Hamilton County Council in District 3. But this letter isn’t really meant to be about just me. This letter is meant to be about all Democratic candidates on the ballots this year.

That’s right, I’m a Democrat. We DO exist in Hamilton County.

I am writing to my neighbors in the county to let them know that they have many candidates running for local offices this election cycle on BOTH sides of the political spectrum. A lot of attention is being paid to the Republican races this May, and I understand why. I get it. But do I accept it? No. And neither do the almost record number of Democratic candidates who’ve stepped up to run for representation in our local governments.

Now, I’m not going to push an individual candidate (other than myself, of course) or ask for your vote here. But what I will ask is that you take a second to learn about ALL the candidates running for local office. Don’t like the primary winner on one side? Maybe there’s another candidate for you. When you really boil things down the local level, political parties mean much less than they do at the national, or even state level.

I believe I can speak for all the candidates when I say that we all want to do what is best for our resident constituents. We may have different ideas of what that means, but I have faith that we all are all working towards a better future for Hamilton County.

If you are interested in taking a look at some great new candidates, I assure you they’re out there. To learn more about your local Democrat candidates, please check out and to learn more about myself and why I’m running for County Council.

Jeremy Hawk

Candidate for County Council, District 3
