Deputy Coroner Jeff Jellison has announced his intention to run for Hamilton County Coroner in the upcoming 2022 Republican Primary Election.
A lifelong resident of Hamilton County, Jellison graduated from Noblesville High School and attended Ball State University.
After attending Ball State University, Jellison worked as a dispatcher and reserve police officer for the Noblesville Police Department for two years, then served 10 years as a police officer for the City of Carmel. Most recently, Jellison has served six years as a deputy coroner in Hamilton County.
Jellison is a graduate of the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy and maintains a Medicolegal Death Investigator certification.
Jellison’s law enforcement and coroner training includes certificates from Northwestern University, Indiana University School of Medicine Department of Toxicology, Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Indianapolis Police Department, Indiana University Kokomo Division of Continuing Studies and Indiana State Coroners’ Association.
“Hamilton County continues to experience an unprecedented population growth,” said Jellison. “This increase has created an exponential number of coroner cases each year. Recent statistics indicate a 66 percent increase over the last six years in death investigations conducted by the Coroner’s Office. It is imperative the next Coroner has the experience and training to provide the quality of service expected by the residents of Hamilton County.”
Jellison and his wife Monique reside in Westfield and have four children and three grandchildren.