Jason Spartz sets the record straight

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Dear Editor:

There was a recent letter to the editor titled “Noblesville voter wants Corbett to tell the truth.” In this letter I am called out as having disguised my donation to my great friend Mike Corbett as a personal donation. This really makes no sense, as the donation came from me personally and not a corporation. I do not even own a corporation.

This letter seemed very odd to me and I suspected that it likely came from a candidate who wished to justify HIS OWN appetite for out-of-town corporate donations. So I took the initiative and called the election office at the courthouse and simply asked if anyone named Rich Breyer has voted in Hamilton County.

There is nobody by that name who has voted in Hamilton County. So ironically it appears that the entire premise of this “Breyer” article is untruthful to say the least.

Here are some reasons I support Mike Corbett:

I simply align better with his fiscally conservative values. This is a year everyone should brace themselves and leave extra room in their budget for the 37 percent property tax increase caused by the upcoming school referendum, much of which was caused by massive TIF spending by the city of Noblesville. The vast majority of the property tax revenue from the commercial/industrial areas of Noblesville are committed to service this massive debt related to TIF and is therefore missing from the normal property tax structure. Chris Jensen sat on the council which oversaw much of this debt creation.

I believe Noblesville should be run by a CEO with fortitude necessary to be a good mayor.

I like his background, his attitude and his willingness to be open minded.

I like that he runs a clean campaign and that I don’t have to clean up a whole bunch of unwanted, illegally placed signs in the right-of-way in front of my property.

I disagree with others who think the end justifies the means so they play dirty “Boss Hogg” politics. I care deeply about my hometown and urge everyone to vote for Mike Corbett.

Jason Spartz


2 Comments on "Jason Spartz sets the record straight"

  1. Jess Smith | May 4, 2019 at 12:34 am |

    The fact you actually called in to the Elections office?! A bit creepy. Mr. Breyer (or whoever) obviously struck a cord of truth with you, or you wouldn’t have gone to such lengths.

  2. I think it was very responsible to not just let the letter go “unchecked”. I 100% agree with checking the source and not just openly absorb the letter as truth.(can we say starting Fake News?!) I don’t know you Mr. Spartz, but you have integrity to stand up to someone slamming you in a public forum and for printing the truth.

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