Janus providing telehealth services to clients for free

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People living with disabilities are facing unprecedented challenges during the current COVID-19 crisis. Janus clients are trying to cope with the same fears, uncertainties and anxieties that everyone is experiencing, only on a much more intense level due to their developmental disabilities and intellectual challenges.

In response to the need for social-emotional support, Janus is providing free virtual telehealth services through Zoom. Activities include a variety of classes, including art, cooking, nature, life skills and literacy activities. Of course, there is a cost associated with each of these activities: Supplies, porch delivery of products to client homes, etc.

At this time, there is no reimbursement for the cost of these services. Why do them? Because it’s the right thing to do for people whom Janus considers a part of its extended family.

Kelsey Royal (above) recently began participating in this new service. Her mother, Robyn, said, “Before the Zoom calls began, Kelsey was depressed and not quite herself. She missed her friends at Janus. When the Zoom calls began, she was so happy to see her friends. It was nice to see her smile and to hear her laugh on the calls. She now says she is ‘working from home’ just like mom.”

Please consider making a donation to Janus today to offset the costs of the virtual telehealth program. Simply click on the Donate Button on the home page of the Janus website, Janus-inc.org. It’s that easy to make a difference.

The CARES Act created a direct deduction of taxable income for individual contributions to churches and charities of up to $300 for the 2020 tax year.