Janus launches literacy program

(From left) Carmel Rotary President Jon Walker, Janus Executive Director Chris Sorenson and Carmel Rotarian Adam Aasen are shown here with a check for a $900 grant from Carmel’s Rotary Club.

Janus Developmental Services, a Hamilton County non-profit that provides people with disabilities the opportunity to participate and contribute within the community, recently began a new literacy program.

Over the past year, staff have researched existing literacy programs at other agencies, as well as engaged in planning for the program in terms of space, supplies and instruction. The purpose of this program is to give people supported at Janus the opportunity to maximize their skill development with reading, as well as simply develop a way for them to enjoy reading at whatever level they happen to be. The program launched in early September, with several participants instantly gravitating to the newly created area.

Adam Aasen, a board member for Janus, applied for a grant for the literacy program and was awarded $900 from the Carmel Rotary Club’s community grant fund. Every year, Carmel Rotary gives out grants to numerous local non-profits in amounts up to $1,000. Rotary met with Janus representatives to set up regular days when Rotarians will volunteer their time to read to Janus clients.

“I’m excited to see Janus develop new connections with Carmel Rotary,” said Aasen, a past board member for Carmel Rotary. “We believe it’s important to not only give money but also give our time. I think our club members will find volunteering at Janus very rewarding.”

Janus’s Doorways team, led by Miranda Kinney, also worked hard to make this program a reality.

For more information about Janus Developmental Services, visit janus-inc.org.