Janus fundraising event moving online

Janus Developmental Services, Inc. has announced that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the primary fundraiser of the year will not be held as an in-person event. Instead, Janus has chosen to convert that live event to a virtual event.

A video will be uploaded to janus-inc.org on Friday, Aug. 14 (the date of the original event), which will include Janus’ annual Client Video and a musical number from the Janus Choir, along with guest speakers and an opportunity to donate at the end.

Janus will also post updates on Facebook the week leading up to the event. Everyone is encouraged to share those updates and the event on their own pages so even more people can be touched this year.

Janus’ top priority is to keep clients, guests and donors safe. Janus says it is confident this new format will be successful, and that even more people will be able to learn about the vital work being done at Janus.

For more information, please contact Development & Communications Director Jerry Jamison at (317) 773-8781 x100 or at jjamison@janus-inc.org.