Janus Aktion Club members make a difference through community service

Allison Howell shared Valentine’s Day joy with the residents of a local nursing home. (Photo provided by Matthew Doudt)

Service: It’s a powerful act that can take many forms, but always produces a life-changing spark towards greater personal growth, new friendships and, of course, helping others.

Aktion Club, a branch of Kiwanis International, is a unique opportunity that connects individuals with disabilities to the vital experience of serving – but it doesn’t stop there. Aktion Clubs throughout the country are also striving to develop “competent, capable, caring leaders through the vehicle of service.”

The Janus chapter of Aktion Club is hard at work accomplishing this vision. Whether it’s delivering Valentine’s Day cards to a local nursing home or packing a shoebox for children in need through Operation Christmas child, the Club loves to serve its neighbors in Noblesville and all over the world.

“Their leadership, who they want to help and how they want to make a difference – that is what this club is all about,” said Club Advisor Julie Jones, “It has been amazing to watch our members become an active part of their community through service.”