January care package drive for local servicemembers was a huge success

A total of 35 volunteers put together 147 care packages for servicemembers overseas. (Photo provided)


Editor’s note: This story was written by Hamilton County Veterans Corp. Secretary Treasurer Lynn Epperson, Auxiliary 2nd Vice President Tracy Huser, and Bill Doss of the Stronger Veterans Stronger Communities Coalition.

The time-honored tradition of sending care packages to our deployed troops continued as 2025 started here in Hamilton County.

On Saturday, Jan. 25 at the Lowell Beaver American Legion Post 470 in Fishers, 35 volunteers young and old gathered to pack up an incredible 147 care packages for our recently deployed Indiana National Guard’s 38th ID unit. On Sept. 25, 2024, 600 citizen soldiers deployed in support of Operation Spartan Shield to the Middle East from Camp Atterbury. They are scheduled to be deployed for at least one year.

The Hamilton County Veterans Corp. (HCVC), working with Mike Reid, Indiana National Guard Soldier and Family Readiness Specialist, and Chaplain (LTC) Cliff Pappe TF Spartan Chaplain 38th ID Command Chaplain overseas, orchestrated a care package drive for our 600 deployed Hoosiers. We approached all five Hamilton County American Legions and both of our VFW Posts to assist in this great event. The American Legion Post 470 donated $1,500 and their Auxiliary donated another $500, which were used to purchase the bulk of the items in the care packages. American Legion Post 67 in Sheridan donated items and $100 to cover shipping costs. Donations of supplies also came from the American Legion Post 155 in Carmel and Cicero Memorial Post 341.

This event was such a huge success thanks in large part to Commander Pat Menc and Auxiliary Officer Tracy Huser with the Fishers American Legion 470 who hosted the event. Cliff Moran from American Legion Post 360 helped organize the tables of supplies, pack boxes, and transport them for shipping.

Thank you to everyone who made this event possible, from donating goods to helping pack the boxes. The American Legion Posts in Fishers and Sheridan donated funds to help cover the cost of shipping the care packages. Each large box costs $25 to ship via USPS. Hamilton County Veterans Corp. will cover the bulk of the $3,682 in shipping costs.

Because the drive was so successful, we will hold another even larger care package drive for our troops. This one will be for a “Christmas in June.” We plan to gather collections Feb. 12 through May 10. The collected items will then be wrapped and shipped at the end of May. Suggested items requested by those deployed include card games (Phase 10, Uno, etc.), puzzles, small boxes of Keurig cups, graphic T-shirts for both men and women (sizes small to XXXL), water bottles, throw blankets, and decorations (Christmas lights, signs, banners – people love to decorate their living quarters or office space).

We are again asking all seven Hamilton County VFW and American Legion Posts to help collect the unwrapped gifts and bring them to the Fishers Lowell Beaver American Legion Post 470, 9091 E. 126th St., Fishers, by May 10 for the wrapping and packaging party that will start there at 5 p.m.

If you wish to help or make donations for our deployed troops, you may contact Lynn Epperson at secretary@hamiltoncountyveterans.com or Tracy Huser of Post 470 at auxiliarypost470@gmail.com. If your Post is in Marion County or any of the donut counties and you wish to help in this endeavor, please contact Lynn and Tracy as they will be making a flyer to post at your Post or in your community.

Let’s make this dream their reality! Thank you!

Photo provided