Ivy Tech Community College advanced 25,887 students with transfer credits to four-year higher education institutions during the 2016-2017 academic year. In the 2015-2016 academic year, 25,233 students transferred credits and 2,970 students transferred a certificate or degree. This is a 3 percent increase in total transfer students, and 23 percent increase in certificates and degrees earned, respectively.
Of those students who transferred credits, 39 percent were in Ivy Tech’s Dual Credit program and completed Ivy Tech coursework while still in high school, a 1 percent gain over the prior academic year.

Jacqueline Navedo (center) is one of the thousands of students who chose a transfer pathway at Ivy Tech. Navedo is pictured with Sue Ellspermann, president of Ivy Tech Community College, and Governor Eric Holcomb. (Photo provided)
Jacqueline Navedo is one of the thousands of students who chose a transfer pathway at Ivy Tech. She graduated in May 2018 with an Associate of Science degree in liberal arts. Ivy Tech was her first step in achieving her goal of becoming a certified behavioral specialist. Navedo, a mother of three, moved to Indiana in 2013 in pursuit of finding better care for her youngest son with special needs. During her time at Ivy Tech she participated in several organizations and activities, including spearheading an initiative to bring the Student Government Association and Campus Activities Board to Ivy Tech Noblesville.
“We are pleased to see more students earning a credential at Ivy Tech Community College before transferring to our four-year partners; and more students in general taking advantage of transfer opportunities, which saves them money on their bachelor’s degree,” said Sue Ellspermann, president of Ivy Tech Community College. “These efforts, coupled with our increased reverse transfer partnerships, continues to make higher education seamless in Indiana.”
Indiana University – Bloomington was the largest recipient of transfer students with 4,953 Ivy Tech students transferring credits. Purdue University – West Lafayette received 3,729 Ivy Tech transfer students, followed by IUPUI with 3,321 transfer students, Ball State University with 2,241 transfer students and University of Southern Indiana with 1,106 transfer students.
To learn more about Ivy Tech’s transfer opportunities, explore the College’s transfer infographic or visit IvyTech.edu/transfer.