The Westfield Chamber of Commerce will hold its February luncheon from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 16 at The Club at Chatham Hills, 1100 Chatham Hills Blvd., Westfield. The luncheon will feature Ivy Tech Hamilton County Chancellor Dr. Stacy Atkinson.
With Ivy Tech Hamilton County established as the newest campus of the community college system, Westfield has had a front-row seat to watch Dr. Atkinson, the faculty, and the staff of the Ivy Tech Hamilton County Campus grow into a campus with 44 programs, the ability to confer its own degrees, and build a team from 16 full-time employees to 58.
Dr. Atkinson will talk about the growing campus and how it is helping to meet the needs of Hamilton County students. She will also discuss ways your business can partner with Ivy Tech.
Ivy Tech recognizes the growing demand for additional staff training across many industries, so she will discuss how they meet that need today and plan for the future.
The cherry on top: Dr. Atkinson will share some insight into her leadership mantra, her ability to build relationships everywhere she goes, and what it means to represent your company or brand in the community. She has an insightful message to share and will no doubt keep you laughing throughout her presentation.
The Westfield Chamber encourages all members to come to learn more about the community college right here in your backyard.
Click here to register for the luncheon.