Ivy Tech Community College announces start of fall semester

Ivy Tech Community College kicked off its fall semester Monday with the first eight-week course term.

The College is offering free textbooks for this academic year and offers over 70 programs in-person and online.

Students who wish to enroll in Ivy Tech can do so every eight weeks. The next eight-week term begins Oct. 24 and students are encouraged to enroll today for the second eight-week term.

“At Ivy Tech, the goal isn’t graduation day, it’s a better every day after,” Ivy Tech President Dr. Sue Ellspermann said. “As we welcome this year’s incoming students, I look forward to seeing how their journey at Ivy Tech will better equip them for a high-wage, high-demand job that translates into long-term success and economic prosperity for our state.”

The State of Indiana provides free tuition at Ivy Tech for a number of programs through the Next Level Jobs program. Through this program, students can enroll in high-demand fields including IT, healthcare, building and construction, advanced manufacturing, business, and transportation and logistics.

Enroll at Ivy Tech today by visiting ivytech.edu.