It’s official! Husky 4-H’ers elect officers & get down to business

The Husky 4-H’ers certainly know how to pack their monthly meetings with business. (Photo provided)

Husky 4-H’ers Club Reporter

During our meeting on March 12, the Husky 4-H’ers officially installed our officers for the year. Each officer was announced and got a candy that had a connection to their duties, and then we said our pledge. After that business was settled, everyone got right down to their duties with our usual meeting.

The devotions were quite inspiring, as they told about times when Cooper Kilfoil and Colton Hoane had to go through bad times, and someone helped them through it – just like Paul in Philippians 4:13, which was the main focus of the devotions.

We also learned about proper etiquette for 4-H meetings, such as how to vote on stuff. We discussed what we faltered on during a practice vote. In this exercise, we voted on what to add to soup, just to teach us some etiquette. We then had a trivia contest, with the question being: which animal can eat poison ivy?

Then we had several demonstrations and speakers:

  • Matthew Duprey, one of our safety officers, taught us how to act safely around natural and human-made electricity.
  • Lisa Hanni from the 4-H Extension Office spoke to us about Camp Shakamak, a 4-H camp for third to sixth graders.
  • Jody England from International Disaster Emergency Service (IDES) spoke to us about how they help feed people in other countries who do not have the same access to food as us.
  • Our treasurer, Grace Miller, gave a simple but effective demonstration on how to do watercolor art.
  • Isaac Leonard, our president, gave a demonstration on motorcycle safety.
  • Husky 4-H’er Abby Martin did a demonstration on how to make a lava lamp using ingredients found in your home.

We then voted to spend $80 on ads for our annual 4-H tent that sells grilled cheese sandwiches, which you should totally buy – they are painted in butter and taste amazing. We also voted to donate $300 to banners for winners at the 4-H fair. The winner of the trivia contest was Zuri Ebigbo, one of our song leaders, and the answer was a rabbit can eat poison ivy! We then wrapped up the meeting with a pizza party … but wait, there’s more!

The Husky 4-H’ers met at Cicero Christian Church on Saturday, March 15 to do our service project. Our group packed over 15,000 meals for IDES, and our president, Isaac Leonard, summed up the day best: “It was a good turn out from the club, and everybody stuck to it.” Wise words.

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