Submitted by Tina Vawter
Sheridan’s Theta Alpha Alpha chapter of Phi Beta Psi started the summer by welcoming seven new members to their chapter in May. The new members are Kristi Defalque, Tammie Hall, Debbie Price, Penny Millikan, Sarah Jensen, Holly Anderson, and Chalise Johnson. Our membership is now 30 members.
A special thank you was given to our retiring president, Sarah Godby, for a job well done. New president, Cindy Railer, was installed along with the officers for the 2024-2025 year during the May meeting. Other officers are Vice President Jeanna Pearson, Secretary Suzanne Lyon, Treasurer Cathy Good, Assistant Treasurer Jodie Freeland, Editor Tina Vawter, Conductress Nancy Day, and Parliamentarian Judy VanMeter.
Our two Sheridan senior scholarship winners were announced for the 2023-2024 academic year. The recipients were Eric Retz and Emma Alexander. Both will attend Indiana University. Retz is studying exercise science, and Alexander is studying pediatric dentistry.
Several chapter members and their guests supported our sister chapter by attending their Bags and Bingo event in Tipton. It was fun and quite an experience for all.
The annual Ulen Country Club dinner for the chapter took place in June with perfect weather. Eighteen members were in attendance and the meal was enjoyed by all.
President Cindy Railer and Treasurer Cathy Good attended the National Convention in Denver, Colo. A beautiful memorial service was held for all members who had passed, including our own sister, Marlita Waggoner. Good presented a rose in memory of Waggoner at the memorial ceremony. At the convention, it was announced that $441,100 was awarded in grants this year for cancer research. One of the six recipients is from Indiana University.