Infrastructure is the driving force of economic development

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Dear Editor:

Hamilton County is the setting of our lives. It is where our families call home and just like our children and grandchildren never stop growing, Hamilton County is always evolving.

Throughout the last several years, Hamilton County has continued to see unprecedented growth and progress. From our infrastructure to our public safety operations, our county government continues to provide the highest level of service while maintaining low taxes and fees for our residents.

One of the biggest reasons for our success is the experience and knowledge of our County Commissioners.

It’s important to have leaders who have the skills and expertise to make the right decisions for the right reasons. In these challenging and uncertain times, Commissioners Steve Dillinger and Mark Heirbrandt have provided guidance to lead our county in the right direction.

In my civil engineering job, I have the responsibility to travel around the state to look at different improvement projects and Hamilton County has the best infrastructure of any county in the state. Our roads and bridges are in well-maintained condition, innovatively designed, safe, and when needed, accommodate multi-modal transportation such as bicycles and pedestrians.

The completion of the Logan Street Bridge, Phase Two of the Lowe’s Way Expansion, as well as reconstruction of State Road 37 through Fishers and Noblesville, are just a couple of examples of the improvements that are driving forces of our economic development.

Commissioners Steve Dillinger and Mark Heirbrandt understand that Hamilton County is an amazing place to live, work and play, and they have been the driving forces to keep it that way.

Denise Moe
