NTT IndyCar Series Driver Pato O’Ward of Arrow McLaren SP came to Downtown Noblesville to check out the #IndyWings Banner in the South Alley. Mayor Chris Jensen greeted O’Ward to talk about Noblesville, his hobbies and, of course, racing.
Indy Wings returns this year bigger than ever as an integral part of the welcoming décor around central Indiana. Indianapolis Motor Speedway graphic designer Shae Beechler created this year’s “wings” – an ode to the famed IMS “Wing and Wheel” logo and the Back Home Again marketing campaign. Indy Wings provide a perfect Instagram photo opportunity for fans, pedestrians and business customers. There are #IndyWings installations in seven locations across central Indiana, including the South Alley of Noblesville’s Downtown Square, the City of Westfield and Clay Terrace Mall.
Strike a pose and share your photos using #IndyWings #IndyWingsatCT #ThisisMay #Indy500.

Photo provided by City of Noblesville