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Gov. Eric Holcomb on Wednesday said most of the state will advance to Stage 3 at 12:01 a.m. Friday.
Lake, Marion and Cass counties will advance to Stage 3 on June 1 unless localities change that date.
He said during Wednesday’s coronavirus briefing that he will sign the order Thursday to go to Stage 3. Holcomb said wearing a mask when around many people, social distancing and other safe practices will “go a long way” to keep the state on track for reopening. The governor also warned Hoosiers 65 and older at high risk should remain cautious and limit exposure.

The governor said Hoosiers’ following of restrictions in Stage 2 of the current Back on Track plan helped to get to Stage 3, but warned people to remain vigilant in Stage 3, which will quadruple the number of people who can come together. Stage 3 will allow social gatherings of up to 100 people.
Holcomb said, “Stage 3 will be just as important as Stage 2 and will determine if we get to Stage 4” on June 14.
Dr. Kristina Box, commissioner of the Indiana State Department of Health, said following social distancing, wearing masks, washing hands and adjusting for other safety measures will make a difference in Stage 3 as it has in previous stages. She also suggested that gatherings of up to 100 will be even safer if they are outdoors, since the spread of the coronavirus is mitigated in outdoor settings.
Box said the data on the slowed spread of the coronavirus has led to her confidence in reopening more of the state.
Other changes set to take effect include:
- Restaurant dining rooms can remain open with 50 percent capacity.
- Retail stores and malls will open to 75 percent capacity.
- Gyms, YMCAs and fitness studios may reopen with restrictions.
- Community pools and campgrounds may reopen.
- Recreational sports practices may begin again following safety guidelines.
- Contact sports such as football and lacrosse are prohibited.
- Basketball, tennis, soccer and baseball courts and fields may open.
- Youth summer day camps may begin June 1. Overnight camps are excluded. Outdoor activities are encouraged over indoor ones. Also, she said, boxed lunches will be safer than “line type” food service at day camps.
- Raceways can begin competitions with no spectators.
- State park inns will be reopening.
In addition on Thursday, the governor will extend to July 1 the prohibition on turning off utilities, and extend to July 1 the prohibition on filing mortgage foreclosures and evictions. Holcomb also on Thursday will extend deadlines to July 1 to acquire or renew driver’s licenses, vehicle registrations and similar Bureau of Vehicles documentation. The BMV reported Monday it will continue scheduling appointments to visit license branches and will be increasing the number of appointments available to Hoosiers.
In regarding to reopening bingo games, Box said she has recommended those not reopen until casinos do. The current Back on Track plan does not call for a date to reopen casinos.