Indiana sees decrease in overdose deaths thanks in large part to work of organizations like Overdose Lifeline


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  recently published a report estimating that fewer Americans died of drug overdoses nationwide in 2023 compared to previous years.

According to the report, Indiana experienced a nearly 18 percent decrease in overdose deaths in 2023. Indiana is among four states that reported the largest year-over-year declines of 15 percent or more in overdose deaths in 2023.

Overdose Lifeline is a national nonprofit dedicated to helping individuals, families and communities affected by the disease of addiction/substance use disorder through advocacy, education, and support, has played a crucial role in this progress. Founded by Justin Phillips after the overdose death of her youngest son, Aaron, Overdose Lifeline remains on the frontlines of the opioid epidemic.

Through initiatives like the statewide NaloxBox project, Overdose Lifeline has played a pivotal role in reducing overdose deaths in Indiana. By facilitating the distribution of approximately 24,000 doses of the opioid-reversal agent naloxone each month, the organization has made life-saving medication readily accessible across the state. This success is driven by a comprehensive approach that includes strategic partnerships with distribution partners, easy access to naloxone requests through its website and widespread availability of NaloxBoxes.

The organization also provides a variety of services such as:

These efforts, supported by a holistic approach involving broad distribution networks and accessible request channels, have collectively contributed to a significant decrease in overdose deaths. Overdose Lifeline’s commitment to these initiatives demonstrates a multifaceted strategy to combat the opioid crisis and save lives.

Overdose Lifeline is committed to continuing its mission of providing critical resources and support to those affected by substance use disorder. Learn more at