When you pursue happiness, you will find contentment.
Have you ever felt like the world is caught in a tsunami of negativity? This week, I felt like the current was pulling me under. I needed to find my way out of it. I needed some happiness.
TV news, social media, and even a discussion at the table across from where Chuck and I were sitting at a local café this week gave me cause to think, “My heart hurts.”
All the anger, gloom, and doom hurt my heart and wreaked havoc on my emotions. I have come to realize that what I listen to and the conversations I have with people affect me emotionally, mentally, and even physically. Hold on; let me explain.
I recently listened to an expert on stress say that 70 percent of people in the United States are suffering from stress and the anxiety it causes. Wow.
As one of those people, I know all too well the damage stress can do. While I would love to hibernate under my comfy, chenille throw with a candle burning and be snacking on Sanders Dark Chocolate Salted Caramels from Costco, reality tells me that isn’t possible. However, I do find snippets of time when hibernation is found at the little house on the alley. I love those snippets!
It’s taken me a long time, but I have found that how I respond to what is stressing me is in my control. I’ve learned to ask myself these questions…
Can I control the person or situation?
Is it healthy for me to engage in or listen to this conversation?
Would I feel better if I turned off the TV?
This week, the answers to those questions were, no, no and yes.
Have you ever thought about what you allow yourself to be fed mentally affects you physically? A large dose of negativity can’t help but stress you out. Your stomach feels the knot, your breathing becomes shallow, and your body tenses. Even the sound of someone’s voice can trigger stress.
After a week of the world shouting, “Let’s get ready to rumble,” I decided there was one thing I could control … me. I watched less news. I did not engage in negative conversations or read them on social media.
I became intentional about doing more of what makes me happy. At my age, I’ve decided I do not have the time or energy to waste while floundering in a sea of negativity. Nope, not going to do it.
I became a woman on a mission. I went into DE-STRESS mode.

Janet revisited one her long-time happy places … the library! (Photo provided)
I took myself to the library. It’s always been one of my happy places. I have this crazy thought about how fun it would be to have a slumber party there. I researched and found pajamas with books on them. No, I didn’t buy them, but I wanted to. Did you know our library has a Flexibility Class on Tuesday mornings? It’s one of my favorite stress relievers.
When I left the library at 2:30, I realized I hadn’t had lunch, so I ventured to the new Fluff Bakery, where I indulged in their Chicken Salad Panini and an apple fritter. Even my taste buds were doing a happy dance.
There was a time when I thought meandering through my day was a waste of time. I was wrong. Learning what makes me happy and doing it leads to less stress and more contentment.
This week, I found my way out of the tsunami of negativity and into the lake of contentment. I think I’m going to like it here. I need to venture to Costco and buy more caramels. I’m still thinking about those pajamas.
Janet Hart Leonard can be contacted at janethartleonard@gmail.com or followed on Facebook or Instagram (@janethartleonard). Visit janethartleonard.com.