In sickness and in health

From the Heart

It was an attack of the winter crud germs. They won. I am down for the count.

I take probiotics. I wash my hands constantly. I tried to stay away from my sick husband but here I am on my second day feeling like I was hit by a Sasquatch germ.

Zicam. Flonase. Mucinex. Aleve. Those have been my drugs of choice. I carry around a box of tissues.

I have slept with rice bags, heated in the microwave, to help with the chills.

I don’t know what I have but it is mean and evil.

As I drove home from work on Thursday night I kept thinking, “I can’t be getting sick. I don’t have time to be sick.” But I am sick.

I took NyQuil the first night, hoping it would help me sleep. Between 2 and 5 a.m., I was wide awake. The Sasquatch germs were having a party. I wish I had not been invited.

I had just made the comment the other day that I had been very lucky not to have been sick this winter. Well, my luck ran out.

Of course, Chuck and I had a full weekend of plans that have now been canceled or rearranged.

This is our fifth wedding anniversary and we will be hunkered down watching the golf tournament, Purdue Men’s Basketball and the Girls’ State Basketball Finals with the Hamilton Southeastern girls playing Lawrence North. Go Royals!

It’s a good thing that five years ago Chuck made a vow to love me in sickness and in health because he’s definitely proved his love and caring the past few days.

I wish it were as simple as “plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is,” but apparently the Sasquatch germs don’t understand. I have every symptom on the drug packages. Congestion, runny nose, coughing, sneezing and yet there is no rest with the medicine.

I’ll close now and ask the good Dr. Leonard to bring me some more orange juice and meds.

Happy Anniversary, Chuck! I’m so thankful that you love me … in sickness and in health.