IHSAA, Indiana Department of Health partnering to end vaping among Hoosier teens

The Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) and the Indiana Department of Health have formed a new partnership to combat the vaping epidemic among teens. State Health Commissioner Dr. Kristina Box and IHSAA Commissioner Paul Neidig made the announcement jointly on Tuesday.

“We’re extremely pleased to be partnering with the IHSAA,” Dr. Box said. “Nationally, 3.5 million youth are currently vaping and using e-cigarettes. In Indiana, we saw more than a 300 percent increase from 2012 to 2018. We must do all we can to stop this and to prevent the next generation from becoming addicted to nicotine, especially in these times when ensuring respiratory health among young people is crucial.”

“In addition to regulating, supervising and administering 22 high school sports, the purpose of the IHSAA is to assist in health-related situations like this one,” Neidig added. “We can help educate students, parents and educators about vaping by activating our statewide network of high school contacts and media resources.”

The campaign includes posters for schools to display on campus, a robust social media program, a new “Don’t Puff This Stuff” website, and radio and television commercials that will be aired on IHSAA broadcast properties throughout the year.

“We’re welcoming the IHSAA to our team with open arms,” Dr. Box said. “No youth organization in our state is better equipped to communicate with Indiana high school students and their families than the IHSAA.”