Hamilton County Commissioner Steve Dillinger explained the county’s priorities in the coming year during his State of the County address on Wednesday at the 4-H Fairgrounds in Noblesville. The theme of his address was “The Way We Were,” in which he paid homage to Hamilton County’s Bicentennial Celebration. Dillinger discussed renovations to the 4-H Fairgrounds, construction of a domestic violence shelter, grown in the county’s Parks and Recreation Department, and major infrastructure projects. The luncheon was hosted by the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce. Our friends at Hamilton County Television recorded the event, and you can watch it as HCTV1.com.

Former Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear and his wife Terri Ditslear. (Reporter photo)

Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt and Greg Budd of the Lochmueller Group. (Reporter photo)