I love you, mom!


Sheridan High School Student

Editor’s Note: The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abby Williams.

My mom is the best mother ever! She has taught me many life lessons and raised me to be the best version of myself. I love her so much! She has always been there for me when it seemed like no one was there. Not only did she provide me with materialistic wants but also with lessons I will remember and live by my entire life. I am so lucky to have her in my life and to be able to call her mom.

My mom has taught me many life lessons. But the one that stood out the most was when she taught me to appreciate what I have. My mom didn’t have a lot while growing up. She maybe had her own shoes but that’s probably it. Growing up with 12 siblings in a house that could hold about four had to be difficult. On top of that she had to get a job at the young age of 11. My mom was the eldest so she had to provide for others in the family and help care for her siblings.

On the contrary, I have had everything I’ve ever needed and wanted. My mom works every day to be able to fulfill my wants and to make my family happy. There have been many times where I have forgotten this and have taken everything I have for granted. I say hurtful things without even stopping to think about the consequences and how it could make others feel. But every time, my mom stops me and corrects my decisions. She shows me how lucky I am to even live in a country like America and brings light upon my clouded judgement. I love my mom because even though she wishes she could’ve had what I have when she was younger, she still gives so unselfishly.

My mother also teaches me all the skills I need to grow up and be a sophisticated, independent woman. For starters, I hated cooking when I was younger! But over time my mom made me watch her cook and help mix things together. Now, even though cooking is still not my favorite, I know how to cook for myself and how to make a meal out of whatever is in the fridge (which will come in handy in college)!

Among of one the most important lessons my mom taught me is to love myself. There have been many, many times when I have run to her crying. She is always standing there with open arms and the best advice. She tells me that I should never cry over someone who does nothing in my life other than make me sad. She tells me it’s not possible for someone else to love me if I can’t love myself. I love my mom for always believing in me even when I don’t believe in myself.

Most importantly, I love my mom for being the greatest, most beautiful mom there is in the world. I’m sure many people feel this way about their mothers, but I truly believe she is one of the best. My mom is my best friend! I know that when I grow up I will remember all of the lessons she taught me and all the memories we have together. When I have children, I will strive to be a mother just like mine! I simply cannot believe I was blessed with just a great mother. Mom, if you’re reading this, just know I will never stop loving you and I will try my best to be the best daughter in your eyes. <3