Guest Columnist

I am the daughter of Indiana educators. Mom and Dad provided me with a bright vision for Indiana’s public schools. Over the last few weeks, the people of Fishers have shown me that they share this vision and understand the tie between our community and our public schools.
Sadly, Indiana’s Supermajority at the Statehouse have revealed they have no interest in strong public schools, investing in our future, nor listening to the people they are supposed to serve. Even with recently announced amendments, their education bills offer a bleak future in which teachers and parents are pitted against each other, lessons are mined for controversy, teachers quit the profession in droves, and our students languish behind peers in other states.
Thankfully, people in Fishers and throughout Hamilton County are actively fighting for a future our students deserve. When I join them in conversation and at the Statehouse, their resolve is clear. The people in our community support public schools.
- People know strong public schools offer a better future for our students and our city.
- People want a public education system that serves all students by bringing parents, teachers, and the community together.
- People want the best and brightest attracted to the teaching profession.
- People expect public schools to embrace every child and discriminate against no one.
- People know a strong public education sets students up for successful careers.
From teacher shortages to making up for two years of disrupted learning, our schools have real problems to address. These problems are fixable. It is baffling that the Statehouse Supermajority ignores real solutions and sidesteps their responsibility to serve our community.
I invite all elected officials in Fishers, from our mayor to township trustees, to join Fishers residents in support of public education. Speak up against the Statehouse Supermajority’s bills that damage our public schools.
Jocelyn Vare serves on the Fishers City Council as an At Large member.