Husky 4-H’ers Club Reporter
On Wednesday, the Husky 4-H’ers met for their April meeting at Cicero Christian Church. The club’s recent world service project was successfully accomplished last month.
Many club members brought friends and family to help pack meals, which provided a big group of volunteers. The club packed 20,000 meals for International Disaster Emergency Service (IDES) in three hours. Those 20,000 meals will feed 70 families for one month.

Photo provided
The guest speaker this month was Joe Heiser. He is a talented toymaker and the owner of a small shop called Treebeard. He talked about the difference of knowing versus understanding something, along with explaining the power of failure. He shared about how he went from being a scuba diver, to studying on how to be a critical aid nurse, and is now a carpenter and toymaker. He presented some of the toys he has created like the marshmallow shooting crossbow, a flute, and an ocarina. His presentation was very inspiring.

Toymaker Joe Heiser served as the guest speaker at this month’s meeting, and the 4-H’ers found his story and presentation inspiring. (Photo provided)
For this meeting’s club member demonstrations, Sophie Camperelli demonstrated how to play soccer. Adeline Allen demonstrated how to construct a ‘People in my World’ project and gave a lovely example of a poster that showed all that she does at her Theatre. Stella Hartwick brought her chicks and shared interesting facts about them; for example, did you know that chickens dream? The trivia question was: How many projects are in 4-H in Hamilton County? The answer, 64, was correctly guessed by Eleanor Brown.

Adeline Allen gave a presentation on ‘People in my World’ at this month’s club meeting. (Photo provided)
This month, two Junior Leaders were interviewed and asked about what their favorite 4-H project is and why. Adeline Allen said she likes ‘People in my World.’ It is her favorite because she likes to talk about her Theatre. Abby Martin’s favorite project is sewing because she likes creating new things that can be useful and last a long time.
4-H is a great way to meet new people and learn new skills, while also having fun working on projects. It takes many people from the community who give and dedicate their time and hard work for 4-H to continue to be this opportunity.