HSE Stigma Free Club to hold Hope for Happiness

Ranvir Sandhu was recently recognized by the Hamilton Southeastern School Board for his work with the Stigma Free Club. (Photo provided by Larry Lannan)


When HSE High School student Ranvir Sandhu’s mother attempted suicide, he was motivated to start a school club aimed at educating others about mental health. He got the help of Principal Matt Kegley, School District Mental Health Coordinator Brooke Lawson, Spanish Teacher Leslie Caliz, and some others to start the club. The Stigma Free Club now sports 70 members, with the goal of spreading education about fighting the stigma often attached to those suffering from mental illness.

The group is holding a special event from 6 to 9 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 11 titled Hope for Happiness. The event will take place in front of Fishers City Hall just prior to the Amp After Dark concert at the Fishers Amphitheater that features Dogs of Society with a musical tribute to pop legend Elton John. There will be a Happy Hour with local favorites Dave & Rae. It’s all about promoting good mental health. There will be games, food trucks and a number of other activities in this family-friendly event.