Changing a name can be a difficult decision. The organization that called itself HSE SPORTS from 1987 through the end of 2019 felt a change in name was in order, which officially went into effect on Jan. 1, 2020. Now the local youth sports organization wants to remind everyone that what was HSE SPORTS is now called Mudsock Youth Athletics.
“Effective branding helps people connect positive experiences to an organization, fostering trust and confidence, said Scott Spillman, Executive Director, Mudsock Youth Athletics. “We collaborated with a local branding company who talked with our board, staff, coaches, parents, and other community members. Through extensive research, it became clear that a rename and new logo was necessary to reflect how our organization has evolved and to more accurately highlight the services and programs we offer.”
Where does the term Mudsock originate? Local historians mostly say it goes back to the late 19th century when Fishers consisted mostly of swamp land, and people frequenting the area often had mud on their socks. There was a famous “Battle of the Mudsock” in the late 1800s that was so violent and rare it made the New York Times.
The annual HSE-Fishers football contest is named the Mudsock Game, as are most games between the two high schools located in Fishers.
“Our mission has stayed the same since its inception in 1987; to cultivate an organization that provides all kids in our community a chance to actively participate in the sport they choose, said Beth Lawrence, Assistant Director, Mudsock Youth Athletics. “We are constantly evolving to provide new sport offerings, access to greater education and highlighting our community commitment in all we do.”
Mudsock Youth Athletics’ new logo reflects the organization’s recreational and competitive team sports that promote character development, leadership and physical fitness. The Tigers’ red is used to represent Fishers High School and the Royals’ blue represents Hamilton Southeastern High School. The athletic sock is featured prominently dipped in mud as a tribute to the history of the community. The sock is slightly slanted to mimic the shape of the state of Indiana.
“We chose a modern feel with a retro look that portrays what we do in the best way possible, said Spillman. It was important that the design of the logo evolve with us over time while nodding to elements of our past.”
Unlike other youth sport organizations in Fishers, Mudsock Youth Athletics serves as the umbrella organization to individual member leagues and provides the leagues and families a centralized way of registration, communication, scheduling and field/facility distribution.
“Our volunteers play a critical role in our success and we are fortunate to have members of our community who pour their time, talent and efforts into their league and most importantly into their players, said Lawrence. “Our focus is to create an experience that enriches our kids’ lives with a volunteer base made up of neighbors, family, community members, teachers, and more. We have full confidence that our rebrand is reflective of this.”
HSE SPORTS name changed to Mudsock Youth Athletics