HSE Schools Trustees & Fishers City Council endorse proposed school operating referendum

Submitted by City of Fishers

Hamilton Southeastern Schools (HSE) and the Fishers City Council approved joint resolutions on July 12 in support of a proposed November school district operating referendum that is expected to reduce the cost of the referendum for homeowners by nearly 20 percent in 2024.

By supporting this referendum, community members will help safeguard teacher salaries, student safety measures, and a broad range of course offerings that contribute to the exceptional educational experience provided by HSE.


“I am very pleased that our school board and Fishers City Council have come together to endorse a referendum that will support our schools and our students,” HSE Board President Dawn Lang said. “We both understand the importance of working collaboratively so that our community continues to thrive. I also appreciate the diligence of our district administrators and referendum committee to help us address this important issue.”

Lang added that HSE Schools, which is recognized for its academic success as the 16th ranked public school out of 371 in Indiana, is determined to overcome its current state funding status as third lowest in Indiana.


“As a longtime member of the Fishers City Council, I have always appreciated and valued our longstanding relationship with HSE Schools and its importance to the vitality of our city,” Fishers City Council President John Weingardt said. “Our action tonight further strengthens this relationship as we continue to promote our city as a great place to live and work.”

The joint meeting provided a comprehensive understanding of the purpose and impact of the operating referendum reduced-rate renewal, ensuring that the district can uphold and improve its high standards and continue delivering an exceptional education to its students.


“As the fourth largest school corporation in Indiana and the largest employer in the City of Fishers, we understand the vital interdependence between school districts and communities where they operate,” HSE Superintendent Dr. Yvonne Stokes said. “These public pronouncements tonight further illustrate our collective desire to build on our past educational successes and those that lie ahead for our students, staff and community.”


“I am wholeheartedly supportive of the proposed renewal, and I am extremely pleased that the school board and city council came together to publicly support it as well,” Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness said. “We have worked hard during my administration to build a mutually beneficial relationship with the schools so that we remain a smart, vibrant, and entrepreneurial place where people want to work and live.”

Advance HSE is a dedicated political action committee comprised of passionate parents, teachers and community supporters from Fishers who strongly believe in the mission of the HSE Schools District. As co-chairwomen, Sneha Shah and Laura Smoots lead this grassroots effort, aiming to rally support for the operating referendum renewal, scheduled to appear on the ballot on Nov. 7.


“We are thrilled by the overwhelming number of volunteers who have joined our cause so far,” Shah said. “We welcome all residents of Fishers to get involved and support the referendum.”

To actively participate and stay informed, visit the Advance HSE website at advanceHSEschools.com.

Click here for more information from the HSE school board.