HSE Schools goes all virtual Nov. 19


The Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board voted on Tuesday morning to have all grade levels go to virtual classes beginning Thursday, Nov. 19, continuing at least through Dec. 4.  Administrators told the board that staffing classrooms is becoming impossible with the number of absences among staff members.

The vote was 6-1, with Amanda Shera voting no.

The board also voted to continue paying support staff members, such as food service workers and school bus drivers, during virtual classes.

The board intends to meet again, possibly on Dec. 2, to decide how to handle the classes after Dec. 4, based on whatever data administrators are able to provide at that time.

Grades K-4 have been in the classroom full-time, with grades 5 and 6 on a hybrid system, 50 percent in the classroom and 50 percent virtual. On Nov. 19, all these grades will go virtual.  Grades 7-12 have just started an all-virtual schedule.