HSE Schools Foundation prepares for Giving Tuesday


It has been tradition for many years that the Tuesday following Thanksgiving is designated as Giving Tuesday. It is a day when nonprofit organizations make a special appeal to spread holiday cheer their way.

The Hamilton Southeastern Schools Foundation is getting a head start with continuing their annual fundraising campaign for Giving Tuesday.

Teachers in local schools are toiling under some very tough working conditions during this pandemic, and a gift to the foundation is a way of saying thanks. The HSE Schools Foundation has been supporting teachers, students and the work they all do in classrooms (and, in this environment, also from home virtually).

This year’s campaign includes encouraging a “Sunselfie Sign” once you donate.

See below for the information from the foundation on how to participate Tuesday, Dec. 1:

STEP 1: Make a donation online at hsefoundation.org.

STEP 2: Post a pic or video proclaiming why you gave using the Unselfie sign. Use #HSEFunselfie and tag @hsefoundation on social media on Tuesday, Dec. 1.

STEP 3:  Feel good about yourself this holiday season. Because of you, local schools, teachers and students will not only benefit from foundation funding and initiatives, but also feel the support from the entire community.