HSE School Board once again delays work on nondiscrimination policy


The Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Board appeared once again ready to tackle the difficult decision on how to update the nondiscrimination policy, but had to postpone the consideration once again, this time due to the absence of Board President Mike Bottorff, who was attending to a last-minute family emergency.

With the board split on how to move forward on the policy issue, the matter will now move to the next board meeting on Wednesday, April 24.

Because the agenda item was removed at the last minute, Board Vice President Sylvia Shepler, presiding over the meeting in Bottorff’s absence, allowed the public to comment on the changes proposed in the nondiscrimination policy.

Nine people spoke, all urging board members to provide specific protection for named groups, including gender and sexual orientation. Some speakers were students, including one that is transgender. Hamilton Southeastern Education Association President Janet Chandler spoke on behalf of the teachers she represents, urging strong and specific protections.  Episcopal Minister Reverend Patrick Burke quoted Scripture to make his case for strong, specific protections. Parents and community members chimed in as well, all favoring strong nondiscrimination policy language.

The board was expected to consider at least two recommendations from the school policy committee Wednesday. Now that will all be postponed to April 24.