Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) Schools should not move forward with reconfiguring grade levels at this time, but should “commit to a middle level concept,” based on recommendations from a study group. The panel also recommended pursuing the implementation of a feeder system.
That was based on a presentation Tuesday morning at a school board work session.
The Feeder and Reconfiguration Study Committee was created once the Operation Right Time Advisory Committee (ORTAG) finished its work. The committee was made up of 44 members representing 15 school buildings. The group included school administrators from central office and school buildings, teachers, parents and students.
The committee met seven times from Feb. 2 through May 3.
Currently, HSE Schools are configured this way: Kindergarten through fourth grade are at the elementary level, grades 5 and 6 are intermediate, seventh and eighth graders are in junior high buildings, and high schools are grades 9 through 12.
The committee studied reconfiguring the grades and buildings, with grades kindergarten through fifth in elementary buildings, grades 6 through 8 in middle schools, and grades 9 through 12 in high schools.
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning Matt Kegley reviewed with the board the many scenarios studied by the members of the committee, along with the associated cost.

Dr. Matt Kegley explains the findings of the committee at the school board work session. (Photo provided by Larry Lannan)
The group concluded that reconfiguration would need time to implement, from a cost and building standpoint, as well as adjusting staff. For example, if fifth-graders are to be in elementary schools, then the current fifth grade teachers would need to move from intermediate schools to the elementary buildings.
That’s why the members of the group suggest committing to a “middle school concept” first.
However, committee members did say the school district should “pursue the implementation of a feeder system.”
According to Kegley, the feeder system means that your path forward through the school system would be controlled by the elementary school the student attends. There would be no need to redistrict above the elementary school level under this structure.
Superintendent Allen Bourff told the board studies have shown that the fewer transitions students must make, the better the educational outcome. That’s why moving to a middle school system in the future has merit, said Bourff.
One other recommendation from the committee calls for the school district to conduct an updated demographic study.
You can view the entire presentation made by Dr. Kegley to the school board at this link.