HSE reopening plans revealed, but subject to change


Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) School Superintendent Allen Bourff spent most of Wednesday night’s school board meeting explaining the 21-page document on how schools will be reopened, but emphasized that plans could change in the days ahead.

The document says, “All students and staff are expected to wear a face covering,” but does not require the facial covering at all times. There will be some times during the school day when masks may not be required, such as lunch or when a student may be in distress.

Guests allowed in the school buildings will be limited, some will not be allowed, and some will, depending on their purpose for entering the school building.

Dr. Bourff said he will be discussing with teachers a possible plan to use a special schedule at the two local high schools, having students be in the building either two or three days during the school week, but expected to use virtual learning when not physically at school. Bourff added that meetings have been set with the local teachers association to talk about this idea, but nothing is final yet.

A school district survey revealed 10 percent of parents are asking for virtual learning only. School officials plan to survey the staff for how many teachers would want to teach virtually. Dr. Bourff says this virtual learning experience will be much different and more rigorous than the virtual learning used during the final weeks of the past school year.

Special provisions are being made for bus transportation, where face coverings will be expected. School officials anticipate more parents dropping their students off at the school buildings, and Dr. Bourff asked for patience by motorists as the demand for drop-offs is expected to increase, creating longer lines and wait times.

Food service will be available, with hand washing beforehand required (as it had been before COVID-19). Students will be wearing face coverings except while seated at the lunch table.

Dr. Bourff said all schools in Hamilton County, and some surrounding districts, have been consulting with each other and their respective public health departments in formulating reopening plans.

There are many more details in the 21-page reopening document, which you can access at this link. But be aware these provisions are subject to constant change.

The school board approved a resolution Wednesday allowing the administration to handle the constant changes, and will review all changes with the board at the next regular board meeting.